In order to achieve sustainability over the long term, New World China is committed to minimising any adverse impact its business operations may have on the environment and strives to enhance the quality of life in the communities where we operate.
We are committed to leading our industry’s evolution to genuine sustainability – environmentally, socially and economically. New World Sustainability Vision 2030 (SV2030) references the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and enhances customer experience based on four pillars: Green, Wellness, Smart and Caring.
(Against baseline year FY2015)
* Cumulative number from baseline year FY2015 to FY2030 covering the Sustainability Reporting Scope.
** Lost-time injury rate (LTIR) represents the number of injuries per 100 employees per year.
*Cumulative number from baseline FY2015 to FY2030 covering the Sustainability
*Cumulative number from baseline FY2015 to FY2030 covering the Sustainability
New World China hopes to promote sustainability during a building's entire life cycle by initiating practical green designs and generating a positive social impact in our community through charitable donations and volunteering services.
Starting in 2016, our efforts and performance in pursuit of sustainability will be published in the New World Development's Sustainability Report.